Support and Wellbeing

The health and wellbeing of our staff and their families is of paramount importance to Bama Services.

In order for our staff members reach their full professional potential, as well as achieve stable home and personal lives, Bama Services operates an innovative, holistic support and wellbeing program.

This support and wellbeing program employs an individual case management approach towards providing staff with personalised support services in areas where they may require assistance, such as primary medical and mental health issues, including nutrition, as well as legal advice, social and vocational training needs.

The support and wellbeing program has acquired an impressive ‘toolbox’ of service providers, who work with staff in both group and on-on-one settings. These professional are on-hand to help staff overcome issues that may be affecting their capacity to work, thus enabling them to retain their jobs, and their ability to support their families.

This program has enabled Bama Services to maintain a stable, highly-skilled workforce and has empowered individual staff members to achieve professional goals.